Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Band: Power of the void

I would call this story 'The Lottery' because all of the tension is being caused by the lottery that happens towards the end of the story. I thought that they would stone someone. Some hints in the story are when it says 'the kids picked up a few stones'. I don't think that they would just be playing with the stones. I felt really angry and anoyed because when I read, I cant put the book down so I was really worried when the story taken away from me. I was worried about what would happen. I felt really excited when the paper was handed to me because I knew that it was the rest of the story so I really wanted to open it and check. But I read the rest of it at 8:00 pm that night. I like surprises so that is why I waited untill after 5:00 to read it. I felt really scared and I was also very quiet and still while figuring out who it was just like the people in the village. I felt kind of empty and sad because that it where the story ends. It seems like the auther would say more about after the death of her. The auther left these voids in the story so that the reader would continue reading it. The power of the void in this story is bery powerful. We weren't given a title, there was no ending for us to read (at the time), the clues and foreshadowing throughout the story made the void even more powerful, and the ending which was the end of the void.

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