Thursday, February 4, 2010

Holocaust- 10 questions

1: Click on 'For Students' under Education. Then click on 'Introduction to the holocaust'. In the first photograph, do you think the babysitter was Jewish?
2: What does the word 'Holocaust' mean and what language does it come from?
3: In the third paragraph, how many Jews did the Germans kill?
4: How many soviet prisoners of war were murdered or died of starvation, disease, neglect, or maltreatment?
5: Define: - ideological
- incarcerated
- ghettos
- exploit
6: What is the place called where they were murdered in specially developed gassing facilities?
7: Click on 'Death Marches' and explain where they are going to, how they get there (car, plane, ect.), and ect.
8: Go back to 'Introduction to Holocaust'. What is a 'Displaced Persons Camp'?
9: Scroll all the way down and click on Children during the Holocaust. Look at the first picture and read the caption. How do you feel about this?
10: Overall, what do you think about the Holocaust? Explain how you think that you could feel if you were one of the Jews.


  1. 1: Click on 'For Students' under Education. Then click on 'Introduction to the holocaust'. In the first photograph, do you think the babysitter was Jewish? No because she didn’t go to the concentration camps with the children in Warsaw.
    2:What does the word 'Holocaust' mean and what language does it come from? Holocaust is a Greek word it means to "sacrifice by fire."
    3: In the third paragraph, how much percentage of the Jews did the Germans kill? Two out of every three
    4: How many soviet prisoners of war were murdered or died of starvation, disease, neglect, or maltreatment? Between two and three million
    5: Define:
    - ideological: speculative
    - incarcerated: imprisoned
    - ghettos: a restrict populated and slum looking area
    - exploit: to use or to take advantage
    6: What is the place called where they were murdered in specially developed gassing facilities? Extermination Camps
    7: Click on 'Death Marches' and explain where they are going to, how they get there (car, plane, ect.), and ect. Buchenwald, Flossenburg, Dachau and Sachsenhausen, they traveled by train and ship
    8: Go back to 'Introduction to Holocaust'. What is a 'Displaced Persons Camp'? It’s when someone is removed from their native country as a slave.
    9: Scroll all the way down and click on Children during the Holocaust. Look at the first picture and read the caption. How do you feel about this? That their all by themselves and makes me question how are they going to survive without parents
    10: Overall, what do you think about the Holocaust? Explain how you think that you could feel if you were one of the Jew? I wouldn’t give up my rights like that and fall, even if it means that I have to hide under floorboards or live in abandoned houses I don’t care cause I would keep fighting until I got the same right s as the Germans.

    The part that you have to find the definition is really helpful I would usually skip it and guess it as I got deeper into the writing, but when I found out what it meant I understood it better and I could found out the answers easier. The questions were to easy and i thought that you should have made the questions harder and made me use my background knowledge about the Holocaust, felt too easy and i really didn't search for the answer and there wasn't a variety of questions,but overall it was great and I learnt new vocabulary.

  2. Excellent - the questions made Tobi think. Well done for the thought provoking answers, Tobi. Job well done, you two.
