Thursday, September 24, 2009

Curiosity Leading to Change

In the Greek myth, Pandora and the African myth Orphan Boy, curiosity is a major theme. Both myths lead to punishment and/or change because of a lack of trust. In Orphan Boy, the magic was initially peaceful, but when the old man destroyed the trust by following the boy, everything went wrong. His cows became thin and his cattle died. Also his crops dried up. So, Pandora has everything that she ever dreamed of and she is beautiful, newly married and happy. But then she looked into the box that the gods told her not to. She was so curious that she couldn't help it. So this is were all of the change comes in.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - you covered the main ideas here but I would have liked you to delve a little deeper. What do you mean by the ending? It reads quite vaguely. Go back in and add some more explanation.Images are good but they need to be sourced.
