Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

New ideas come from life experiences, an event that is taking place during a certain time period, and also through your imagination. Life experiences helps you to have new ideas because say for example, you are a little kid and you try your first lollipop. You can have an idea of how the lollipop taste because you have experienced it. If you haven't, you probably wouldn't be able to because you haven't experienced it yet. Events that take place during a certain time can help you have new ideas because in the story, "The Sniper" the event was the Irish Civil War. This event can help you think of something like a conflict between families or how the wars were so intense from all of the enemies. Lastly, ideas can come from your imagination. If you have a very creative imagination, then you can think of ideas easily. For example, if you are a very creative person, and you have to write your own short story, you would be able to have very vivid and interesting ideas. As you can see, there are various ways of where new ideas can come from. You can get them from experiences, events, and through an imagination.


  1. you should say in the story, "The Sniper" ... but other than that it is excellent but i still like the idea of how you experience things on your own and not from how other people tell you how they experienced it.

  2. It's very organized and clear, but i think the lolipop part is not really that important but overall its pretty good
