Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Story

As I reflect over our short story unit, out of the three, my favorite short story was "Lamb to the Slaughter". Primarily, I was drawn to this story because of the way the the conflict was formed. I enjoyed studying how people formed different relationships and their conflicts (Lamb to the Slaughter-husband and wife that are splitting up, The Sniper-brothers end up going against each other and are opposing each other through war, Thank You Ma'am -"teacher - Luella" "student - Roger ")and how they dealt with their conflicts. Further, with an improved understanding of how society worked back in around the early 1950's, the story's setting. It was interesting about how Mary decided to deal with how her husband was going to leave her, the story's resolution, but I thought that making this type of conflict was a very effective way that the author communicated his message about this story.

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