Sunday, March 27, 2011

The British ethnocentric views of the First Australians caused conflict between the two cultures. From the "First Australians" DVD and the book, "The Rabbits", I learned that the British viewed the First Australians as uncivilized savages. The British thought that the First Australians were a problem that needed to be dealt with. They will do so by killing the children so that they don't grow up and reproduce and they kill the women so they will not reproduce any more. The labeling of the First Australians as less than keeps the British superior and the First Australians inferior. The British views of the First Australians showed the ethnocentrism of the British. Some people believe that the British brought small pox, a European disease, to Australia when the British colonized Australia. There was a fight over the land in Australia. The crops were changed to British crops then the First Australians burned the British crops. This ethnocentric viewpoint also resulted as conflict between the British and the First Australians. Overall, the British ethnocentric views of the First Australians caused major conflict.

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