Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Learning Profile

I learn best through movement and by focusing on he whole picture, context and emotional relevance to self. When I am relaxed, I may preferentially listen for the details.

As a visual/kinesthetic learner, I must see the whole picture and physically do what is being learned.

I appreciate metaphors, examples and associations when problem solving. I will benefit from sitting close to the front on the left hand side but where I can also move without disturbing other learners. Some activities that can help me when I’m stressed is reading out loud, Thinking Caps from Brain Gym, megaphones, toning the vowels and hand-eye coordination play like Lazy 8’s for writing, double doodles, and integrating cross-lateral foot play like cross crawl, walking, soccer, dancing and martial arts like Tai Chi. Also integrative balance of art, music, movement and interpersonal/intrapersonal skills combined with cognitive endeavors in linguistics and mathematics will be highly beneficial.

I would like my teachers to know that I learn kinesthetically. I need to move (especially the hands) to process new learning. Emotionally and physically expressive.I visually grasp the main idea but I may have a great difficulty seeing and communicating the details in a linear way. My left eye scans from right to left. I may have a difficulty reading or writing languages that move from left to right like English. I may reverse or transpose letters or number. I prefer not to follow step-by-step visual instructions. I tend to start by imagining the end results and then intuitvely doing what seems appropriate. I may have a difficulty with penmanship because the eye and hand don’t work together. I benefit from fine-motor, hand-eye coordination activities. My movements tend to be spontaneous and fluid when I’m relaxed. When under stress, I may move forward with caution felling clumsy and stuck.

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