Thursday, September 24, 2009

Curiosity Leading to Change

In the Greek myth, Pandora and the African myth Orphan Boy, curiosity is a major theme. Both myths lead to punishment and/or change because of a lack of trust. In Orphan Boy, the magic was initially peaceful, but when the old man destroyed the trust by following the boy, everything went wrong. His cows became thin and his cattle died. Also his crops dried up. So, Pandora has everything that she ever dreamed of and she is beautiful, newly married and happy. But then she looked into the box that the gods told her not to. She was so curious that she couldn't help it. So this is were all of the change comes in.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Creation Myths Paragraph

People have always and will always still wonder how the earth was created and what was in the beginning. In creation myths there are quite a lot of common elements (but I am going to stick with only three for now.) The first common element is chaos to order, second punishment, and third earth diving. An example for chaas to order can be seen in Phan Ku (Chinese) because there was nothing in the beginning. And then the creation myth, Elohim the creator. This uses this theme because it says that in the beginning there was nothing and then at the end there was everything. The last example of chaos to order is the creation myth because it also says that there was only chaos in the beginning but at the end there were sacrifices so there was everything.
Now the second common element, punishment. One example is in the christian creation of Adam and Eve. Another example is the creation myth concerning punishment is called the first man becomes the devil (Ulgen the creator). THis is because the man wanted something different from the got that was in charge. The third example is Phan ku because he sacrificed his body to the world and that is when there was punishment.
The third common element is earth diving. The first example for this is The Turtle that went to the bottom of the sea. So that he could start to form earth. And the last example is from the Japanese myth, but the god didn't pick earth up he just scuped earth in his hands.
It is clear that there are many different creation myths that all explain how the earth was created. Many of these contain common elements which is amazing because there are so many different ones and how all of them connect.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I chose this quote because it is very incomplex ,although, it tells a lot about how you seek journeys. The image that I have selected has been illistrated by Monet. I was determined that was the picture because it has boats and you can go on a journey while ridding a boat. This relates to the quote because some people are looking at it as if their desire is to go on this journey while others are disagreeing and away from it going to some other place quite formal.
I rekoned the connection between the quote, painting, and the Grade 7 Humanities 'Journeys' is that journeys don't have to be apart and to be mythical but also, a journey, with your, imagination.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Octomom or One-child-policy

In class I put my sticky note in the middle, but more towards the octomom. I think this because you should always have your own rights but you have to be responsible enough and be able to afford it all. Wen you can not afford it all then you shouldn't have many children and follow the one child policy. It is very expensive to pay for one child under the age of one and when the child is in it's teens, it will be a lot more expensive. Like we said in class, I don't think that the government should make an actual rule but just advising the person. And if people can afford it all then your doctor even can help advise you on how many kids you should have. It is very important in China , for an example, to not raise the population because it is already out of control for the sake of the baby boomer. And because of that, they should advise the people to have at least 4 to 5 kids because China is running out of recourse's. And if China does not have enough recourse's your children will not have such a good life. Also if you think of the future it will help so choose what is the right choice Octomom or One-child-policy?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How many??

In class discussion we talked about the one child policy. It basically means that you can only have one child. I 95% disagree on that because people should have their choice on having however many children that they want. But the parents must have a lot of responsible, have enough money to be able to afford taking care of a child, and actually doing what is best for them. If you do what is best for them they can go to collage and have a good education.

So if the parents are responsible enough that they can take care of the child they should not have to follow that rule.

And if the the parents just like having babies but they can not afford having so many children they should definitely follow that rule.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jaelyn...Sonnet 7...Shakespeare

Jaelyn, Sonnet 7 Shakespeare,

April 7
I think that the sonnet 7 was meant that "he" is on his journey and the sun has raised and is setting. But while the sun is setting, he finds his son (or just a son). Then the sun is completely finished with setting so it is night time. And he goes on with his journey.

April 10
I think that sonnet 7 is about a boy is born and the sun is rising. And the boy grow and the sun getting higher. And when the boy gets old, it is becoming night. And when the boy dies, the sun dies. BUT if the boy does not have a son the boy will die with the sun.
So a sum of this is that sonnet 7 is talking about the sun's life and the boy's life. And the comparison's between them.

Monday, January 19, 2009


HEllo everyone I am just testing this because this is new to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Hi, this is just a test....