Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Leonardo Da Vinci - Characterized as a true Renaissance Man

Leonardo Da Vinci can be characterized as a true Renaissance man because he was many different occupations throughout his life. Such as a scientist, inventor, and an artist. He was also an engineer. Da Vinci's experiments with anatomy absolutely astonished his predecessors. He observed nature and asked very simple scientific questions such as "How do birds fly?" Then he analysed his theories in his sketches. And to this, he added a preternatural, even spooky determination. He paid attention to every detail and forms of small organs and hidden parts of the skeleton. He would dissect animals and humans to analyze it. Da Vinci was a great inventor. He adapted his drawing skills to the more well-paid fields of architecture, military, engineering, canal building, and weapons design. In search of a salary, he only briefly mentioned to the Duke that he could paint as well. Lucky for leonardo, he was very gifted in the engineering business. Throughout his life he had amazing ideas. Leonardo was an extremely talented renaissance man.